Thursday 25 July 2013

9.4.3 HS Questions Feedback


You need to get in the mindset and be hyperaware that that you need to distinguish yourself. No matter how much you know if you don’t include detail, address the verb, define terms etc, there is no way of distinguishing you from someone who knows nothing. Ask yourself – could someone who was trying to ‘wing it’ write my answer? What have I added that cannot be ‘winged’ that makes me stand out?


Q13) Note – Barium sulphate ppt forms almost immediately – waiting will not make more precipitate

26a) Make your data points stand out. Not just tiny dots (but not huge blobs either)

Q15) The solubility rules are very simple and we have used them since yr 11. I am disappointed that anyone got this question wrong. And considering that our flowchart test for lead is to add chloride ions those who put A and D really need t ask if they are taking ownership of their learning in this subject.


Q24) If asked to assess the impact of AAS always give an illustrative example/case study. Also note that it was more accurate than previous methods and say ‘eg gravimetric analysis’ thus could determine previously unknown roles of trace elements. Also always define key terms in questions. In this Q you had to define ‘trace element’. – NB because lead has NO biological function it is NOT a trace element. Being an assess you should have also had a judgement.


27b) DEFINE KEY TERMS – Reliability – repeat with consistent results – was it repeated?... THEN go on to talk about other errors – excess Ba added?, acid dissolution?, washed and dried?. EVALUATE NEEDS A JUDGEMENT! If you don’t talk about reliability/repetition and just talk about error you are assessing validity/accuracy. Also – sulfates will ppt in all pH’s, it is only carbonates and phosphates that don’t ppt at low pH – hence low pH is idea if you only want to ppt sulfates.

28) Use a ruler to draw ONE straight line of best fit. And USE your graph to calculate concentrations. The whole point of AAS is accuracy. You don’t buy and multi million S AAS machine, go through the process of making an accurate calibration curve and testing your samples only to use your eye and make a rough guess about he concentration “About 5ppm”… To prove it was Sewage you have to state what the Cd was upstream and downstream of it and somehow show it cant be from the industrial plant.


20) This  is a critical Q testing your understanding of AAS. The light source contains the metal being tested to produce the exact wavelength of light that will be absorbed by the sample (to increase accuracy and NB% absorbance proportional to conc). The flame atomises the sample o the atoms CAN absorb those unique wavelengths of its absorption spectrum (remember element only absorb emit their unique spectra when atomised).

20b) Again – define validity and reliability. Is testing from one sample (even if it is tested 5 time) really a reliable way of analysing a whole industrial site? Did they calculate the absorbance in a valid manner? Is AS itself a valid and reliable and accurate technique?

20c) If you write NH3 for the phosphate test give yourself a facepalm then go back and check our flowchart an flowchart equations VERY carefully. IF you used Ba io ns for both phosphate and sulphate without distinguishing them give yourself a facepalm (other hand). The whole point of ppt tests is to be unambiguous you can have a white Ba ppt signifying both sulfate ad phosphate unless you sy that the phosphate dissolves in acid but the sulphate ppt does not.


Q25b) A chemical test  = a precipitation test (AAS is a physical test as it involves no chemical reactions). And while Cl- is OK a better one would be to add I- as it gives the distinctive ‘canary yellow’ ppt.

Q25c) The statement said ‘concentrations’ so your answer should have given an example concentration. And you justify the need to monitor BY showing how bad it is if it is in the body – ie it needs to be monitored to avoid these problems.


Q25) You had to make estimates of concentration from the graph AND concentrations need units – ie ppm! Also – don’t say ‘approximately’ unless you know the data is very unreliable– it is AAS data – ay your results with conviction!

Q26b) To explain the order you should also say what would happen if the correct order was not used eg add Ag first and get a white ppt which could mean….?


Q14) When electrons ‘fall back’ they EMIT light not absorb light and this is absorption spectroscopy. The light is NOT white light, it is the light from the spectral lamp.

17a) No matter how far you are through the course ALWAYS use the cross method to make sure your ionic formulae are correct. States DO matter. If they are solutions the reactants must be aqueous. In a one mark ‘write the equation’ question you will get ZERO if one state is wrong.

19b) Not much working was shown for this Q – very suspicious. If not showing mathematical working you need to show your explanation – ie X mg/L but the tablet was only in 100ml. Thus the mass would have been 1/10th this value = 0.X mg in the tablet.


Q24) This was a big Q for 5 marks, You needed to briefly intro the fact the elements have unique spectra, you needed to BRIEFLY outline the AAS process lamp, furnace, monochromator, detector, (WITH A DIAGRAM) CRITICAL to note that the % of light absorbed is proportional to conc. outline the calibration curve  then ID the fact that it is accurate then give an example of environmental monitoring – and NB the trace element ones are OK for environmental monitoring but ‘environmental monitoring’ in the HSC context usually means pollution – ie lead. If I was doing the HSC this is one of those Q that I would practise a few times as it covers the whole range of AAs concepts in one question.


29a) Broken record time – DEFINE VALIDITY FIRST. All the SULFATE in the fertiliser was dissolved (NB they filter out the solids before adding Ba so clearly not all the fertilizer dissolved – but we only care that the sulphate dissolved). All the sulphate was ppt by excess Ba ions. All the ppt remained in the filter paper. The ppt and paper was fully rinsed. The ppt and paper was dried to constant mass. That no carbonate or phosphate ppts formed with Ba. Also – regardless of *that* years marking scheme – for three marks they could expect three validity issues.


Q32) This is an excellent test of your data analysis and calculations skills. A LOT of solutions matched the Success One book very closely. THIS IS FINE as long as you are learning. This is another question that I would come back to a number o times to make sure I understood how to answer this type of question. Ie come back to it and try again without looking at your previous answer.

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