Thursday 17 May 2012

Khan Academy for Prelim and HSC Chemistry

The Khan Academy is an online educational resource with short (up to 10 minute) lectures on different topics. Below are the Khan Academy videos relevant to Preliminary & HSC Chemistry.

So - if you didn't quite get something in the last two years   and you want it explained again,
Or - if you want some extra worked examples for moles (see the Metals unit),
Or - you want to hear things explained in a new way,

I recommend you watch the videos below.

But please, no matter how well-intentioned, please don't say "Thanks, I never understood xxxxx before - but now I do thanks to those videos" - even though I will be really happy for you, my professional pride will be wounded.


  1. Elements and Atoms
  2. Introduction to the atom
  3. Orbitals
  4. More on orbitals and electron configuration
  5. Electron Configurations
  6. Electron Configurations 2
  7. Valence Electrons
  8. States of Matter
  9. States of Matter Follow-Up
  10. Covalent Networks, Metallic, and Ionic Crystals

  1. Groups of the Periodic Table
  2. Periodic Table Trends: Ionization Energy
  3. Other Periodic Table Trends
  4. Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds
  5. Molecular and Empirical Formulas
  6. The Mole and Avogadro's Number
  7. Formula from Mass Composition
  8. Another mass composition problem
  9. Balancing Chemical Equations
  10. Stoichiometry
  11. Stoichiometry: Limiting Reagent
  12. Stoichiometry Example Problem 1
  13. Stoichiometry Example Problem 2
  14. Limiting Reactant Example Problem 1
  15. Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Stoichiometry
  16. Example of Finding Reactant Empirical Formula
  17. Molecular and Empirical Forumlas from Percent Composition

  1. Stoichiometry of a Reaction in Solution
  2. Another Stoichiometry Example in a Solution
  3. Van Der Waals Forces
  4. Solubility
  5. Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Supression

  1. Introduction to Kinetics
  2. Reactions in Equilibrium
  3. Enthalpy
  4. Heat of Formation
  5. Hess's Law and Reaction Enthalpy Change

  1. Enthalpy
  2. Introduction to Oxidation States
  3. More on Oxidation States
  4. Redox Reactions
  5. Galvanic Cells
  6. Types of Decay
  7. Half-Life

  1. Le Chatelier's Principle
  2. Introduction to pH, pOH, and pKw
  3. Acid Base Introduction
  4. pH, pOH of Strong Acids and Bases
  5. pH of a Weak Acid
  6. pH of a Weak Base
  7. Conjugate Acids and Bases
  8. Buffers and Hendersen-Hasselbalch
  9. Acid Base Titration
  10. Strong Acid Titration
  11. Weak Acid Titration
  12. Titration Roundup

  1. Spectrophotometry Introduction
  2. Spectrophotometry Example
  3. Introduction to Kinetics
  4. Reactions in Equilibrium
  5. Le Chatelier's Principle

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