Wednesday 16 May 2012

Einstein and Planck stuff

Every year I get to this dot point (which by then I have forgotten) and the cogs of my brain start turning again and I eventually have some new revelations

This year I'm thinking on these lines:

1) Planck - was science research removed from society? – NO. Science should serve the society of ones nation (nationalist) -  in his case Germany (which in war time meant supporting the German war effort).

2) Planck - was Science research removed from politics? – NO. Sscience research should be dictated by political powers to direct the research to serve the nation - the ultimate decision/responsibility about the uses/consequences of the research lay with the political powers.

3) Einstein - was science removed from society? – NO. Science should serve the entirety of humanity - not any particular nation. Scientists had a responsibility to society and had to take responsibility for the consequences of their research.

4) Einstein - was Science research removed from politics? – NO. Scientists had a role in shaping politics and society - they should use their research and findings to sway political and public opinion to better serve all humankind.

Now if I was writing an essay on this I would need to detail what they did in WWI and WWII and provide evidence (in what they did) to support each of my 4 proposals. Which I think I could do.

BUT you might completely disagree with these 4 ideas - THAT IS OK - you can make any claim you like about 'whether science research is removed from social and political forces' - as long as you can construct an argument to support your claim.

Don’t forget to read the semiconductor article here

Ahem - despite arguments to the contrary my official title is:
Primo Brick, Round Rattle 1 x 1 with Blue Overalls and Animal Face Pattern

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