Sunday 12 May 2013

9.3.2 HSC Questions Feedback

Generally good results but disappointing that half the class did not read the instructions to leave 2002-Q21, 2006-Q22 or 2009-Q18 AND in addition, did not do the extra 2010 and 2011 questions that were sent with the instructions.

Q5) Read the question – UNPOLLUTED rainwater
Q9) It is expected that you know that LCP is about position of equilibrium (yield) NOT about rates of reaction. Also you should know that catalysts only affect the rate NOT the yield of a reaction.
Q10) Read the equations very carefully. IF something is not equilibrium then LCP does not apply.

Q7) Read the WHOLE question carefully ‘reacts with’ is very different to ‘acts as’

Q9) Be careful – this was a limiting reagent Q and like all these Q the limiting reagent is usually written second to trick those who don’t realise it is a limiting reagent question.
Q10) BE careful  - decreasing the pressure causes the equilibrium to shift to the side with more moles of gas (to counteract the decrease in pressure)
Q18) Analyse is a high level verb. For this Q you needed to ID that metal (left side) oxides were generally basic, non-metal (right side) acidic and that there were some metals near the semimetals that are amphoteric. THEN to fully answer the Q you should have included:
  • Example of acidic (eg CO2), basic (eg CaO) and amphoteric (eg Al2O3)
  • An example reaction showing at least one of th above
  • NB that some oxides with low ox# are neutral eg CO, N2O
  • That the far right side of the PT – Noble gases do not form oxides at all

Q22a) Whenever you are asked to plot experimental data be aware of outliers. If you THOUGHT about the reaction you would realise that it would have been impossible for less H2 to be formed at 0.56 g than at 0.33g. The graph should have been two straight lines with intersection corresponding to the stoichiometric amount of Zn.
Q22b) After 1g of Zn the HCl was the LIMITING reagent thus any Zn beyond 1g would not increase the amount of H2 produced. It is important that you use the term/s limiting and/or excess in your answer. How to know that 1g was the stoichiometric mass of Zn – either from the intersection of the two straight lines on the graph OR by calculating the maximum moles of H2 and thus the stoichiometric moles of HCl/Zn  
Q22c) In this Q the molar mass has 4SF, the molar volume is 4SF, the mass of An is 2SF and the volume of HCl is 1SF – BUT the volume of HCl is not used in the calculation so the correct # SF is…

Q22) you were not asked to answer this Q but NB that the Q only asked about sulfur dioxide and it said discuss the evidence – thus you had to look at the evidence that SO2 was increasing (acid rain damage, ice cores etc) and the difficulties (low conc, highly soluble, only measured in recent times) AND you have to use equations in your answer (ie 2+)
Q23bii) This was poorly answered - as soon as you have an equilibrium sign and are asked to explain the effect of –anything- then refer to LCP. Adding NaOCl increase the conc of OCl-, thus via LCP the equilibrium shifts… AND please don’t make the embarrassing mistake that decreasing acidity = decreasing pH.

Q22b) you should have mentioned that S combusts to form SO2, that SO2 is a respiratory irritant, that SO2 causes acid rain (with equation) and the effects of acid rain on the environment (built and natural). Then you just had to say that reducing S would have a positive impact. Evaluate was a poor verb to choose for a 4 mark Q. I’m not sure how critical it was to get full marks.

Q20a) the unit of Molar mass is g/mol  (ie M = m/n = grams/mol)

Q2) see 2001 Q5
Q15) This is a tricky but important question. There was no excuse for leaving it blank. This is a question in your assessment task so those who didn’t do it I suggest you work to catch up.
Q18) Again you did not need to do this Q – but NB that it was very similar to 2006 Q22) but this time about N rather then S. So the same strategy applies except that NOX also causes ground level ozone/smog so it needed to be mentioned.

Q18) This linked to 9.3.4 – none of the ins in the options were in the equilibrium reaction – so at first glance it might seem that none had any effect. But NB that there was H+ in the equilibrium so anything that affects [H+] will effect this equilibrium. I wonder if any of those salts will add or remove H+ from solution.
Q26) Another excess/limiting Q – just be aware that 0.50 and 0.20 are 2 SF.

Q15) I wonder what acid I would get if I reacted SO3 with H2O?

Exciting news: While procrastinating about this marking I discovered my first ever emerald ore in Minecraft & I got an achievement for killing a ghast with its own fireball! It is amazing that such a ridiculous-looking, pixelated, monster could be so terrifying in-game. The sounds of one approaching puts me on the edge-of-my seat. (pictures from here and here)

& there is an awesome Minecraft desktop wallpaper here

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