Saturday 23 February 2013

Bring it on!

Friday night - supplies prepared - let's get marking!

And really, compared to this - Piece of cake!

Saturday afternoon - Quizzes defeated (on right). Ready to to tackle the assessment mountain (on left, I've named it Gregor).

The trouble with small mark quizzes and 'no half-marks' means that each little mistake is penalised with a full mark loss AND that equates to every little mistake deducting approximately 3%. It is vital to remove any errors from your answers (even more important than exam technique).

That being said - everyone passed with marks to spare.

You are all improving
You are all on the road to awesome

This made me LOL while I was procrastinating
WARNING May contain Game of Thrones Spoilers

Monday - Midnight
Since the last update I have managed to mark 1/4 of one persons assessment. I have retreated to the couch to reconsider my strategy of attack. Gregor is a far more fearsome opponent than I imagined.

Late Tuesday / Early Wednesday
Gregor is a beast!
So far Stage 1 is finished - 1/4 of every students questions have been marked.

But because of some silly marking criteria design I have to go through every question and assign them outcomes H6-H9 (and also adjust some student-assigned H3-H5) before the marking can continue onto stage 2.

Late Wednesday / Early Thursday
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. But not my pen - Gregor will just not die. It is taking all my willpower not to succumb to the voices in my head "Kill it with fire, kill it with fire..."
And while this may be amusing to you it was not so great for me when I realised that what I thought was 1/4 finished was actually 1/8th finished. ..
Nevertheless, I am now 1/4 through, I've developed a system and am on a roll.
In case you didn't see, the Game of Thrones Season 3 Trailer was released a few days ago. It contains MAJOR spoilers for those who haven't seen season 1 and 2. You have been warned

Late Thursday / Early Friday
Half way

Late Friday / Early Saturday - ALMOST DONE
Another fruitcake, five coffees, a midnight curry and half a box of Lindt and it is done. Gregor is defeated. Now only about 5 hours of spreadsheet data-crunching and feedback-making and I can be rid of this monstrosity.

Late Saturday Night
Hmmm...10 hours of data entry later and I've got the marks into Excel. I hadn't considered the fact that because all your questions were different and because all your topic, skill, H3, H4, H5 etc questions were in different places I couldn't just simply copy & paste and drag formulae around. No. Instead I had to create a new data table and a new set of calculations for each persons set of questions.

Below is the Column A to BU, Row 1 - 186 behemoth that was the bane of my post-'Open Day' Saturday.

All that's left is the feedback sheet.

2pm Sunday - IT IS DONE!

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